_taking the matter

29 March 2011, 6 – 9 pm
The Mews Project Space, London

Installation: four channel sound piece, wood and fabric

A collaboration between Azahara Ubera Biedma, Maeve Brennan, Letitia Calin, Elena Colman, Carla Cruz, Wiebke Gronemeyer, Nicola Guy, Sebastian Kozak, Alex Jeronymides-Norie, Jess Meredith, Eugene Perera, Cecilie Skov, Jason Ramanah, Mana Yamaguchi, Shangyi Xie.
This project is the result of a seminar on collaborative and collective practices in the arts with Goldsmiths University of London BA Fine Art Practice students. Conceived by Carla Cruz and Wiebke Gronemeyer.

_installation views:

taking the matter. installation shots, The Mews project space. Photo: Carla Cruztaking the matter. installation shots, The Mews project space. Photo: Carla Cruztaking the matter. installation shots, The Mews project space. Photo: Carla Cruztaking the matter. installation shots, The Mews project space. Photo: Carla Cruz

